Gallery for the Geography & History of Israel Class
 May 22nd Field Trip 
Megiddo - Grain Silo
Megiddo - Grain Silo
Viewed: 1244 times.

Mt Arbel - overlooking the Sea of Galilee
Mt Arbel - overlooking the Sea of Galilee
Viewed: 1263 times.

Mt Arbel
Mt Arbel
Viewed: 1411 times.

Mt Arbel - beginning the climb down
Mt Arbel - beginning the climb down
Viewed: 1278 times.

Mt Arbel - not just a simple slide.
Mt Arbel - not just a simple slide.
Viewed: 1328 times.

Mt Arbel - It looks vaguely like El Capitan
Mt Arbel - It looks vaguely like El Capitan
Viewed: 1386 times.

Mt Arbel - cliffs with caves.  Herod is said to have killed off zealots that were living in these caves,  by dropping roman solders over the edge in a basket.
Mt Arbel - cliffs with caves. Herod is said to have killed off zealots that were living in these caves, by dropping roman solders over the edge in a basket.
Viewed: 1310 times.

Mt Arbel - basking in the evening sun
Mt Arbel - basking in the evening sun
Viewed: 1456 times.

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